Αρχική » Fallout: London fans turned on the developers for locking progress updates behind a paywall

Fallout: London fans turned on the developers for locking progress updates behind a paywall

by NewsB

shinoff2183183d ago (Edited 183d ago )


I’m talking rpgs in general if I meant wrpg idda put a w on it. You took what you wanted to take and where I said rpg you said wrpg not me. Jrpg is my favorite but I’d take anything at this point from Sony. They gave up on jrpgs, and I’m aware they’ve not had any wrpg but it’s a genre they could try. That’s why I said rpg, because I know they don’t have any wrpg. I’ve Rolled with sony since ps1 due to their RPGs offered not just first party but 3rd as well. Far as what I said about the wrpg market idk how else to say it ms bought up so much of those developers and sony sat on their thumbs. They bought bungie, fking yay

Just saying it wouldn’t hurt sony to try a different genre these days. I stick with ps cause the Japanese support it gets with jrpgs, not sonys first party. Last of us, horizon, ratchet, I really enjoyed. Gow, Spiderman aren’t my type of games. Spiderman was cool for a few hours but I’m super heroed out. Gow I was never really into so i cant really judge it. I’m not saying those are bad games at all. Returnal was alright but I liked dead Nation better (I think same dev). I’m also not expecting every game sony makes to be tailored to me hence I wont knock their first party that I’m not into.

And your right avowed looks bad. It looks like a game ms forced obsidian to do.

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